One of the things that I hear most often from people about organic food is that it is too expensive. Ideally we want to buy everything organic to limit our exposure to chemicals. However, I am realistic and like everyone else, I have to work within a budget to buy food. So I want to get a good deal on fruits and vegetables but I also want my family to be healthy. Therefore I refer to the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen guidelines. These very helpful lists tell you which fruits and vegetables hold the most pesticides and should be bought organic and which ones hold the least pesticides and can be bought conventionally. Anything not mentioned is somewhere in between and your best bet would be to go organic.
According to the Environmental Working Group, consumers can reduce their pesticide exposure by 80% by avoiding the most contaminated fruits and vegetables and eating only the cleanest.
Dirty Dozen (+1) Buy organic, whenever possible to eliminate exposure to chemicals
1) Celery
2) Peaches
3) Strawberries
4) Apples
5) Blueberries
6) Nectarines
7) Bell Peppers
8) Spinach
8) Kale
9) Cherries
10) Potatoes
11) Grapes
12) Tomatoes
13) Pears
Clean Fifteen - These are the least likely to be contaminated with pesticides
1) Onions
2) Avocados
3) Sweet Corn
4) Pineapple
5) Mangoes
6) Sweet Peas
7) Asparagus
8) Kiwi
9) Cabbage
10) Eggplant
11) Cantaloupe
12) Watermelon
13) Grapefruit
14) Sweet Potatoes
15) Honeydew Melon
Happy Shopping!
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